Forest School

Garthorne Road Nature Reserve

Forest School sessions are child led to accommodate individual learning styles and schemas. Children are encouraged to make choices, and follow their own learning.

The adults’ role is to facilitate their learning. A small group of pre-school children have been visiting our Forest School site on a weekly basis at:

Garthorne Road Nature Reserve

Forest School sessions at the Nature Reserve

We are very pleased that Seedlings Day Nursery’s Forest school licence has been renewed for 2024-2025.

We have restarted the sessions for the Autumn:

17, 24 September
1, 8, 15, 22 October
5, 12, 19, 26 November
3, 10  December

There are two sessions on Tuesdays:

  • Morning 10am-11.30am
  • Afternoon 2.45pm-3.30pm.

Parents and children who don’t usually attend Tuesdays are welcome to join the sessions.

Certain activities, like digging are restricted to reduce the impact on wildlife.

All children should arrive by 9 am on Tuesdays as the first group will need to leave at 9.45 to use the time well.

By adding an afternoon session, we aim to take all pre-school children weekly rather than fortnightly. 

What do you need for Forest School?

  • wellington boots (labelled)
  • extra socks/tights wellies can be really cold in winter
  • scarf, gloves, hat
  • spare clothes for changing into back at nursery

Seedlings provides waterproof overalls for messy play in muddy puddles. (see above)


Feedback from Ofsted

What do the children think about Forest School?

“Children are excited, enthused and exceptionally eager to share their experiences.”

“For example, when they return from the outdoor learning school they excitedly say, ‘We saw a grass snake.’ They hold up their arms and shout, ‘It was this big!'”

Ofsted report, May 2018

The importance of safety

“Children have an excellent understanding of keeping themselves safe.”

“For example, they very confidently and correctly answer staff questions about safety as they prepare to visit and play in the woods and use equipment at the outdoor learning school.”

Ofsted report, May 2018
