Little Seedlings Nursery events
Christmas party on Tuesday, 10th November 4.30-5.45
During the day the children will be involved in various party games and will be dancing away and jiggling to a variety of party music.
At lunch time they will enjoy a festive feast.
From 16:30 snacks and drinks will be provided for you all and the children will perform a song within their groups:🎶
🌰Young: ”Christmas pudding”
🎅🏿Middle: ”When Santa got stuck up the chimney
🎄 Older: ”Five Little Christmas trees”
Of course there will be some songs that we would love you all to join in with.
The party will end with a visit from Santa.
Recent fundraising events – November 2024
Little Seedlings Nursery raised £65 by wearing pyjamas and donating to the Challenge Squad appeal for Children in Need!
Thank you to all who organised and made these events special for the children!
Seedlings Day Nursery events
Christmas celebration on Wednesday, 11th November 4.00-5.45
Rainbow group: sing along from 4pm.
Cabin: 4.00-4.30 sing along and stories
Pre-school: Christmas concert between 4:45 and 5:10pm
All children can wear Christmas jumper or bring in a special outfit to change into.
Children who don’t usually attend on Wednesday will join their group with their parents.
There will be some light refreshments and a chance to speak to other parents in your rooms and in the garden.
Children can then go to visit Santa from 5pm
Recent fundraising events – November 2024
Seedlings Day Nursery – children and staff took part in Pyjama/onesie day for Crackerjacks, raising an superb £195.
More information can be found on their website at Crackerjacks Children’s Trust.
Thank you to all who organised and made these events special for the children!
Open days at Garthorne Road Nature reserve

Garthorne Road Nature Reserve is open for Forest school sessions.
Open days will resume in 2025.