Government childcare offers
The Childcare Choices website provides detailed information on the current Government childcare offers.
Free entitlements
As there is a variety of offers, Please see what best suits your circumstances.
Age 9-23 months
- 15 hours for working families available now
- 30 hours from September 2025
Age 2-3 years
- 15 hours with letter from Lewisham council
- 15 hours for working families
- 30 hours from September 2025
Age 3-4 years
- 15 hours to all parents (universal entitlement)
- 30 hours for working families

Terms and conditions
In order to manage the increased administration, we kindly ask parents to
Universal offer:
- provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate or passport to confirm their age
- sign the parent declaration form when required
Expanded offer:
check their entitlement on government approved site Childcarechoices
provide the 11-digit confirmation code to enable the setting (Seedlings Day Nursery or Little Seedlings Nursery) to apply for the funding
provide the registered parents’ NI number
keep the setting updated in writing via email of any changes to their entitlement, codes or circumstances that may affect their entitlement
check their entitlement before every new term (by 31st December for Spring term, by 31st March for Summer term and by 31st August for Autumn term)
understand that the setting can only offer funded places, if the codes have been verified and are valid for the period that your child is enrolled for
understand that managing these different types of funding requires a lot of administration
The setting will
run the eligibility checker and inform the parents when their code is due for renewal – sometimes the Portal may be behind with the updates
add children to the relevant portal and submit records before the deadline
issue invoices detailing the free hours and the additional hours that are chargeable
keep accurate records of children’s funding
answer any questions in writing via email
We are happy to advise or help with the application but cannot make decisions for you.
When will your child become eligible for a free place?
A child born on or between:
Will become eligible for a free place from 1st April following their 9 month’s, 2nd or 3rd birthday
Will become eligible for a free place from 1st September following their 9 month’s, 2nd or 3rd birthday
Will become eligible for a free place from 1st January following their 9 month’s, 2nd or 3rd birthday.