All fees are payable in advance and should reach us by the 5th of each month. Parents are sent invoices from quickbooks. Please note that card payments are not accepted directly from Quickbooks. We accept payments by Tax free childcare, bank transfer (our details are on the invoice), Childcare vouchers.
We are registered on the Tax Free Childcare and Enjoy Benefit Vouchers schemes.
The deposit will be held as a retainer fee until your child’s place is terminated. (deposit will be deducted by the booking patterns, not by attendance)
Booking patterns
Any changes in booking patterns must be requested in writing and agreed by the Manager.
Extra sessions
Any extra sessions will be invoiced at the end of the month if not already settled.
Any holidays and absence caused by illness are payable.
Notice period
Six weeks’ notice in writing has to be given if your child is leaving the nursery. This is to allow enough time to use up the deposit.
Unpaid fees
Seedlings Day Nursery reserves the right to withdraw the nursery place if fees/payments are not paid in time. We will take legal action if arrangements are not made to settle the outstanding amount.
Late collection
Parents will be charged for late collection. If there is a chance that you may be late, please inform the nursery beforehand. Parents will be invoiced £5 for the first ten minutes and thereafter £5 for every five minutes. Please do not dispute the lateness fee with the nursery.
Inset days
2025 Inset days:
Tuesday, 6th May- Friday, 9th May 2025
The nursery is closed to children whilst staff take part in training and teamwork.

Other issues
Children can be collected by named people on the Registration form. Only in an emergency can children be collected by other suitable person (aged over 16) requiring further authorisation and password.
Any child with an infectious illness, (chickenpox, ringworm, conjunctivitis etc), diarrhoea or vomiting should be kept at home until a doctor has certified that the child is fine to attend the nursery. We will adhere to the local authority’s incubation periods.
Any child taking antibiotics should not attend the nursery for 24 hours. Prescribed medication can be given at the nursery. The medical book must be signed each day by the child’s parent / guardian.
Loss of belongings
The nursery does not accept responsibility for any loss of jewellery or other personal belongings (please ensure all clothes, shoes, bags, bottles, drinking cups, pacifiers, toothbrushes and buggies have name tags).